Acceptable Use of Personal Technology

Dear Pilgrim Wood Families,

As you may recall, the Ministry of Education announced changes regarding personal electronic devices (cell phone) use in schools that will take effect this school year.  Our school’s existing guidelines are in compliance with the changes announced by the Ministry of Education. 

Our school is committed to preparing students for success in a technology-driven world. This includes learning about digital citizenship and the importance of safe and responsible online behaviour.

The Halton District School Board Code of Conduct and the Technology & You webpage provides specifics related to social media and cell phone use in HDSB schools. 

As we head into September, we are asking for your support and collaboration to hold conversations at home about these expectations and the importance of a focused learning environment. 

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Dean Chisholme Greg Ferrin

Principal Vice Principal

Pilgrim Wood PS Pilgrim Wood PS

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Arabic

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Cantonese
Translated copy of Cell Phone Use English

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Hindi

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Korean

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Mandarin

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Turkish

Translated copy of Cell Phone Use Urdu

Students in Kindergarten to Grade 6

Should you feel that your child requires a personal device for the way to and from school, these devices should remain in a student’s backpack throughout the day. With the high level of access to technology for our primary and early junior students, and the early stages of their digital literacy, students in these grades do not need personal devices for any academic reason.  If there are special circumstances for your child, we require you to have that conversation with your child’s classroom teacher.

Students in Grades 7 & 8

Students in Grades 7 and 8 are not required to bring a personal device to school. However, they may bring devices to school under the following circumstances:

Parent/Guardian Support

Parents/Guardians, you can help us by supporting and modelling appropriate use of technology in order to encourage your child to focus on academics in school. 

Parents are requested to:

Progressive Discipline

At Pilgrim Wood we follow a progressive discipline model which encourages teaching and learning as the basis for changing behaviour.  However, if students continue to make inappropriate use of their devices despite clear expectations being outlined, consequences could include:

General Policy About Technology Use for All Students

Outside of the use of personal devices (such as phones), every student at Pilgrim Wood Public School will have contact with and use of instructional technology devices such as Chromebooks, iPads, etc.  From the moment they enter our school, we will be building their digital citizenship skills. If we work together to be on the same page, we can raise technologically smart children who can interact successfully on the global stage.  In order for that to happen, teachers, administrators, and parents need to be involved in and responsible for helping our students to understand and be aware of the challenges of working with technology. To that end, all of us together will teach students to: